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Laser Hair Removal Pre & Post Treatment Information

Laser Hair Removal

10. Prior to your appointment please make arrangements with someone to watch your children.

Laser Hair Removal

1. All Clients should avoid the sun for 1 week and thereafter use a sun block (High SPF with zinc or titanium oxide).

2. Small red areas may be present directly around individual hairs. This is normal. If a burning sensation occurs, apply ice for 20 minutes and repeat as necessary. One method that works well involves placing a damp washcloth in the freezer. Once frozen remove and place it over the area. It will then mold to any curved surfaces, especially the face.

3. Typically treated hairs may fall out over a 7-21 days period. As the hair follicle dissipates you may remove the dead hairs before they fall out if you desire. The hair may also appear stunned and will not grow in length as before.

4. We may recommend using moisturizers and other skin care products after laser treatment. Please follow the instructions for best results.

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