The Fitzpatrick skin scale was developed in 1975 and is used as a classification system that currently encompasses six skin types. Ideal image, with its knowledge and expertise, expanded on this scale using combinations of these 6 skin types to accommodate all guests when it comes to laser hair removal. Before a guest is treated, our medical professionals will assess a guest’s skin type in order to proceed with the appropriate laser and settings that will deliver safe and effective results.
Skin Type 1: Never tans, always burns (extremely fair skin)
Skin Type 2: Occasionally tans, usually burns (fair skin)
Skin Type 3: Often tans, sometimes burns (medium skin)
Skin Type 4: Burns minimally, always tans to moderate brown (olive skin)
Skin Type 5: Sun insensitive skin, rarely burns, tans well (dark brown skin)
Skin Type 6: Never burns, deeply pigmented (dark brown skin)
While Ideal Image can treat any and all skin types, it is also important to note that any unwanted hair must be brown or black in order to see successful results. If you are unsure whether or not you would be a good candidate for laser hair removal, please call or stop by your local Ideal Image for a free consultation.